var hyAM = { /* helpers: url & params */ pageUrl: function() { return location.href; }, srcParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("src"); }, channelParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("channel") || this.getUrlParam("hyly_channel");; }, gclidParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("gclid"); }, fbclidParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("fbclid"); }, utmMediumParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("utm_medium"); }, utmSourceParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("utm_source"); }, utmCampaignParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("utm_campaign"); }, utmTermParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("utm_term"); }, utmContentParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("utm_content"); }, utmHylyMethodParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("hyly_method") || this.getUrlParam("utm_hyly_method"); }, utmHylyAssistParam: function() { return this.getUrlParam("hyly_assist"); }, getUrlParam: function(name, search) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'); var results = regex.exec(search ||; return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); }, /* helpers: cookies */ setupInitialSourceTraffic: function() { var referrer = document.referrer; var gaReferral = { 'utmcsr': 'Property Website', 'utmcmd': '(none)', 'utmccn': '(not set)' }; var thisHostname = document.location.hostname; var thisDomain = this.getDomain(thisHostname); var referringDomain = this.getDomain(document.referrer); var sessionCookie = this.getCookie('__utmzzseshyly'); var cookieExpiration = new Date(+new Date() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); var qs ='?', ''); var hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', ''); var gaParams = this.parseGoogleParams(qs + '#' + hash); var referringInfo = this.parseGaReferrer(referrer, thisDomain, referringDomain); var storedVals = this.getCookie('__utmzhyly') || this.getCookie('__utmzzhyly'); var newCookieVals = []; var keyMap = { 'utm_source': 'utmcsr', 'utm_medium': 'utmcmd', 'utm_campaign': 'utmccn', 'utm_content': 'utmcct', 'utm_term': 'utmctr', 'gclid': 'utmgclid', 'dclid': 'utmdclid' }; var keyFilter = ['utmcsr', 'utmcmd', 'utmccn', 'utmcct', 'utmctr']; var keyName, values, _val, _key, raw, key, len, i; if (sessionCookie && referringDomain === thisDomain) { gaParams = null; referringInfo = null; } if (gaParams && (gaParams.utm_source || gaParams.gclid || gaParams.dclid)) { for (key in gaParams) { if (typeof gaParams[key] !== 'undefined') { keyName = keyMap[key]; gaReferral[keyName] = gaParams[key]; } } if (gaParams.gclid || gaParams.dclid) { gaReferral.utmcsr = 'google'; gaReferral.utmcmd = gaReferral.utmgclid ? 'cpc' : 'cpm'; } } else if (referringInfo) { gaReferral.utmcsr = referringInfo.source; gaReferral.utmcmd = referringInfo.medium; if (referringInfo.term) gaReferral.utmctr = referringInfo.term; } else if (storedVals) { values = {}; raw = storedVals.split('|'); len = raw.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { _val = raw[i].split('='); _key = _val[0].split('.').pop(); values[_key] = _val[1]; } gaReferral = values; } for (key in gaReferral) { if (typeof gaReferral[key] !== 'undefined' && keyFilter.indexOf(key) >-1) { newCookieVals.push(key + '=' + gaReferral[key]); } } if (!this.getCookie('hyly_initial_traffic_source')) { this.writeCookie('hyly_initial_traffic_source', newCookieVals.join('|'), cookieExpiration, '/', thisDomain); } this.writeCookie('__utmzzseshyly', 1, null, '/', thisDomain); }, setupCookieReplicator: function() { var referrer = document.referrer; var gaReferral = { 'utmcsr': 'Direct', 'utmcmd': 'Direct', 'utmcct': 'N/A', 'utmctr': 'N/A', 'utmccn': 'N/A', 'utmgclid':'N/A' }; var thisHostname = document.location.hostname; var thisDomain = this.getDomain(thisHostname); var referringDomain = this.getDomain(document.referrer); var sessionCookie = this.getCookie('__utmzzses'); var cookieExpiration = new Date(+new Date() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); var qs ='?', ''); var hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', ''); var gaParams = this.parseGoogleParams(qs + '#' + hash); var referringInfo = this.parseGaReferrer(referrer, thisDomain, referringDomain); var storedVals = this.getCookie('__utmz') || this.getCookie('__utmzz'); var newCookieVals = []; var keyMap = { 'utm_source': 'utmcsr', 'utm_medium': 'utmcmd', 'utm_campaign': 'utmccn', 'utm_content': 'utmcct', 'utm_term': 'utmctr', 'gclid': 'utmgclid', 'dclid': 'utmdclid' }; var keyName, values, _val, _key, raw, key, len, i; if (sessionCookie && referringDomain === thisDomain) { gaParams = null; referringInfo = null; } if (gaParams && (gaParams.utm_source || gaParams.gclid || gaParams.dclid)) { for (key in gaParams) { if (typeof gaParams[key] !== 'undefined') { keyName = keyMap[key]; gaReferral[keyName] = gaParams[key]; } } if (gaParams.gclid || gaParams.dclid) { gaReferral.utmcsr = 'google'; gaReferral.utmcmd = gaReferral.utmgclid ? 'CPC' : 'cpm'; } } else if (referringInfo) { gaReferral.utmcsr = referringInfo.source; gaReferral.utmcmd = referringInfo.medium; if (referringInfo.term) gaReferral.utmctr = referringInfo.term; } else if (storedVals) { values = {}; raw = storedVals.split('|'); len = raw.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { _val = raw[i].split('='); _key = _val[0].split('.').pop(); values[_key] = _val[1]; } gaReferral = values; } for (key in gaReferral) { if (typeof gaReferral[key] !== 'undefined') { newCookieVals.push(key + '=' + gaReferral[key]); } } this.writeCookie('__utmzz', newCookieVals.join('|'), cookieExpiration, '/', thisDomain); this.writeCookie('__utmzzses', 1, null, '/', thisDomain); }, setupReferralUrl: function() { var referrer = document.referrer; var gaReferral = { 'utmcsr': 'N/A' }; var thisHostname = document.location.hostname; var thisDomain = this.getDomain(thisHostname); var referringDomain = this.getDomain(document.referrer); var sessionCookie = this.getCookie('__hylyutmzzses'); var cookieExpiration = new Date(+new Date() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); var qs ='?', ''); var hash = document.location.hash.replace('#', ''); var gaParams = this.parseGoogleParams(qs + '#' + hash, ["source"]); var referringInfo = this.parseGaReferrer(referrer, thisDomain, referringDomain, true); var storedVals = this.getCookie('__hylyutmz') || this.getCookie('__hylyutmzz'); var newCookieVals = []; var keyMap = { 'utm_source': 'utmcsr' }; var keyName, values, _val, _key, raw, key, len, i; if (sessionCookie && referringDomain === thisDomain) { gaParams = null; referringInfo = null; } if (referringInfo) { gaReferral.utmcsr = referringInfo.source; gaReferral.utmcmd = referringInfo.medium; if (referringInfo.term) gaReferral.utmctr = referringInfo.term; } else if (storedVals) { values = {}; raw = storedVals.split('|'); len = raw.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { _val = raw[i].split('='); _key = _val[0].split('.').pop(); values[_key] = _val[1]; } gaReferral = values; } for (key in gaReferral) { if (typeof gaReferral[key] !== 'undefined') { newCookieVals.push(key + '=' + gaReferral[key]); } } this.writeCookie('__hylyutmzz', newCookieVals.join('|'), cookieExpiration, '/', thisDomain); this.writeCookie('__hylyutmzzses', 1, null, '/', thisDomain); }, getCookie: function(name){ var cookies = '; ' + document.cookie var cvals = cookies.split('; ' + name + '='); if (cvals.length > 1) return cvals.pop().split(';')[0]; }, writeCookie: function(name, value, expiration, path, domain) { var str = name + '=' + value + ';'; if (expiration) str += 'Expires=' + expiration.toGMTString() + ';'; if (path) str += 'Path=' + path + ';'; if (domain) str += 'Domain=' + domain + ';'; if (window.hyBeaconCookies !== false) { document.cookie = str; } }, getDomain: function(url) { if (!url) return; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; try { return a.hostname.match(/[^.]*\.[^.]{2,3}(?:\.[^.]{2,3})?$/)[0]; } catch(squelch) {} }, extractSrcCookie: function() { var src = this.splitSrc(this.getCookie("hyly_src")); // split src value in to respective objects if(src.length<3){ return { method : src[0], source : src[1] } }else{ return { method : src[0], source : src[1], campaign: src[2] } } }, extractUtmzzCookie: function() { var cookie = this.getCookie("__utmzz"); if (!cookie) return; var parts = cookie.split('|'); var dict = { utmcsr: 'source', utmcmd: 'medium', utmccn: 'campaign', utmcct: 'content', utmctr: 'keyword', utmgclid: 'gclid' }; var output = {}; var part; var key; var val; var i; for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { part = parts[i].split('='); key = part[0]; val = part[1]; output[dict[key]] = val; } return output; }, extractHylyutmzzCookie: function() { var cookie = this.getCookie("__hylyutmzz"); if (!cookie) return; var parts = cookie.split('|'); var dict = { utmcsr: 'External_Domain' }; var output = {}; var part; var key; var val; var i; for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { part = parts[i].split('='); key = part[0]; val = part[1]; output[dict[key]] = val; } return output; }, extractInitialTrafficSourceCookie: function() { var cookie = this.getCookie("hyly_initial_traffic_source"); if (!cookie) return; var parts = cookie.split('|'); var dict = { utmcsr: 'hyly_cookie_src' }; var output = {}; var part; var key; var val; var i; for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { part = parts[i].split('='); key = part[0]; val = part[1]; output[dict[key]] = val; } return output; }, parseGoogleParams: function(str, campaignParams) { campaignParams = campaignParams || ['source', 'medium', 'campaign', 'term', 'content']; var regex = new RegExp('(utm_(' + campaignParams.join('|') + ')|(d|g)clid)=.*?([^&#]*|$)', 'gi'); var gaParams = str.match(regex); var paramsObj, vals, len, i; if (gaParams) { paramsObj = {}; len = gaParams.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { vals = gaParams[i].split('='); if (vals) { paramsObj[vals[0]] = vals[1]; } } } return paramsObj; }, parseGaReferrer: function(referrer, thisDomain, referringDomain, referralOnly) { if (!referrer) return; if (referralOnly) { var a = document.createElement('a'); var values = {}; a.href = referrer; if (referringDomain !== thisDomain) { values.source = a.hostname; values.medium = 'Referral'; } return values; } var searchEngines = { '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'daum' }, '': { 'p': 'search_word', 'n': 'eniro ' }, '': { 'p': 'query', 'n': 'naver ' }, '': { 'p': 'p', 'n': 'Yahoo' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'msn' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'Bing' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'aol' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'lycos' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'ask' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'altavista' }, '': { 'p': 'query', 'n': 'netscape' }, '': { 'p': 'query', 'n': 'cnn' }, '': { 'p': 'terms', 'n': 'about' }, '': { 'p': 'query', 'n': 'mama' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'alltheweb' }, '': { 'p': 'rdata', 'n': 'voila' }, '': { 'p': 'qs', 'n': 'virgilio' }, '': { 'p': 'wd', 'n': 'baidu' }, '': { 'p': 'qs', 'n': 'alice' }, '': { 'p': 'text', 'n': 'yandex' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'najdi' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'seznam' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'search' }, '': { 'p': 'szukaj ', 'n': 'wirtulana polska' }, '': { 'p': 'qt', 'n': 'o*net' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'szukacz' }, '': { 'p': 'k', 'n': 'yam' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'pchome' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'kvasir' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'sesam' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'ozu ' }, '': { 'p': 'query', 'n': 'terra' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'mynet' }, '': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'ekolay' }, '': { 'p': 'words', 'n': 'rambler' }, 'google': { 'p': 'q', 'n': 'Google' } }; var a = document.createElement('a'); var values = {}; var searchEngine, termRegex, term; a.href = referrer; // Shim for the billion google search engines if (a.hostname.indexOf('google') > -1) { referringDomain = 'google'; } if (searchEngines[referringDomain]) { searchEngine = searchEngines[referringDomain]; termRegex = new RegExp(searchEngine.p + '=.*?([^&#]*|$)', 'gi'); term =; values.source = searchEngine.n; values.medium = 'Organic'; values.term = (term ? term[0].split('=')[1] : '') || 'N/A'; } else if (referringDomain !== thisDomain) { values.source = a.hostname; values.medium = 'Referral'; } return values; }, /* helpers: misc */ log: function(){ if(this.config.debug) { console.log.apply(console, arguments); } }, splitSrc: function(str) { return str ? str.split(/\.(?=(?!com|org|net|us|ly|info))/) : []; }, /* GTM logic */ pushToDataLayer: function (h) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push(h); }, getBeaconVariables: function(){ var mediumName = this.extractUtmzzCookie().medium; if (mediumName == 'Organic'){ // raise mismatch tag if method is not web, medium not Organic this.lookup('&in_referer_url='+this.extractHylyutmzzCookie().External_Domain, function(response){ if (response.hybeacon_method_tag && response.hybeacon_source_tag) { hyAM._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value = response.hybeacon_method_tag+'.'+response.hybeacon_source_tag; } if (mediumName != response.hybeacon_medium_name){ hyAM.reportError({ error_type: "mismatched_tag", error_details: 'Medium name defined in hyBeacon ('+ response.hybeacon_medium_name +') does not match "'+ mediumName +'"', note: "" }); } }); return; } /* Case A when src (method.source.campaign) is in URL based on these tags API call is done to hyBeacon for table lookups */ if(this.getCookie("hyly_src")){ this.lookup('&in_url_param_src='+this.getCookie("hyly_src")); return; } /* Case B when no src in URL But UTM variables are in URL. get src variable from utm source . based on src call hyBeacon API for table lookups */ if(this.getCookie("hyly_utm_source")){ var utm_source = this.getCookie("hyly_utm_source"), params = '&in_utm_source=' + utm_source, referrerUrl = this.extractHylyutmzzCookie().External_Domain; if (referrerUrl && referrerUrl != "N/A") { params += '&in_referer_url=' + referrerUrl; } this.lookup(params, function(response){ if (response.hybeacon_method_tag && response.hybeacon_source_tag) { hyAM._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value = response.hybeacon_method_tag+'.'+response.hybeacon_source_tag; } }); return; } /* Case C when no src and no UTM is present. src=method.source.campaign get src from referral and call the hyBeacon API for Table lookup */ if (mediumName === 'Referral'){ this.lookup('&in_referer_url='+this.extractHylyutmzzCookie().External_Domain, function(response){ if (response.hybeacon_method_tag && response.hybeacon_source_tag) { hyAM._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value = response.hybeacon_method_tag+'.'+response.hybeacon_source_tag; } if (hyAM.extractUtmzzCookie().source && (!hyAM._ds.in_utm_source || !hyAM._ds.in_utm_medium)){ hyAM.reportError({ error_type: "mismatched_tag", error_details: 'No UTM is configured for referral link from '+hyAM.extractUtmzzCookie().source, note: "Client needs to add UTM_XXX variables with referral from "+hyAM.extractUtmzzCookie().source }); } }); } if(mediumName === 'CPC'){ // raise mismatch tag if method is not web, medium not CPC this.lookup('&in_url_param_src=w.ppc', function(response){ if (response.hybeacon_method_tag && response.hybeacon_source_tag) { hyAM._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value = response.hybeacon_method_tag+'.'+response.hybeacon_source_tag; } if (mediumName != response.hybeacon_medium_name){ hyAM.reportError({ error_type: "mismatched_tag", error_details: 'Medium name defined in hyBeacon ('+ response.hybeacon_medium_name +') does not match "'+ mediumName +'"', note: "" }); } }); return; } if(this.extractUtmzzCookie().source === 'Direct'){ // Fetch default method/source/medium/channel from api // don't default to w.pws, direct traffic this.lookup("", function(response){ if (response.hybeacon_method_tag && response.hybeacon_source_tag) { hyAM._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value = response.hybeacon_method_tag+'.'+response.hybeacon_source_tag; } }); return; } // fallback this.lookup("&fallback=1", function(response){ if (response.hybeacon_method_tag && response.hybeacon_source_tag) { hyAM._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value = response.hybeacon_method_tag+'.'+response.hybeacon_source_tag; } }); }, getChannel: function(){ if(!this._ds.hybeacon_channel_tag && !this._ds.in_url_param_channel){ this.log("Set channel to: Prospect"); this._ds.hybeacon_channel_tag = 'pr'; this._ds.hybeacon_channel_name = 'Prospect'; } else if (this._ds.hybeacon_channel_tag && !this.fetchedChannel) { this.lookup('&in_url_param_channel='+this._ds.hybeacon_channel_tag); } }, /* REST API */ requestOptions: function() { var myHeaders = new Headers(); myHeaders.append("X-Api-Key", this.publicApiKey); return { method: 'POST', headers: myHeaders, redirect: 'follow', }; }, lookup: function(params, cb) { var ins = [ "in_utm_source", "in_utm_medium", "in_utm_campaign", "in_utm_term", "in_utm_content", "in_hyly_method", "in_hyly_assist", "in_gclid", "in_fbclid" ] if (!params) params = ""; if (this._ds.hybeacon_channel_tag) { params += '&in_url_param_channel='+this._ds.hybeacon_channel_tag; this.fetchedChannel = true; // avoid unnecessary request } for (i = 0, len = ins.length; i < len; i++) { if (this._ds[ins[i]] && params.indexOf("&" + ins[i] + "=") == -1) { params += "&" + ins[i] + "=" + this._ds[ins[i]]; } } // second page: read method.source from cookie if no param utm_source or src or referral if (!this._ds.in_utm_source && !this._ds.in_url_param_src && this._ds.hybeacon_referrer_url == "N/A" && this._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value) { if (!this.getCookie("hyly_src")) { params += '&hybeacon_cookie_value='+this._ds.hybeacon_cookie_value; } } params += "&ssid=" + this._ds.ssid + "&container_id=" + this.getContainerId(); fetch(this.translateURL + params, this.requestOptions()) .then(function(response){ return response.text(); }).then(function(data){ var response = JSON.parse(data), keys = [ "hybeacon_method_tag", "hybeacon_method_name", "hybeacon_source_tag", "hybeacon_source_name", "hybeacon_campaign_tag", "hybeacon_campaign_name", "hybeacon_medium_tag", "hybeacon_medium_name", "hybeacon_content_tag", "hybeacon_content_name", "hybeacon_term", "hybeacon_assist_tag", "hybeacon_assist_name", "hybeacon_channel_tag", "hybeacon_channel_name", "phone_number", "replace_option", "replace_number" ]; hyAM.log("Lookup API response:", response); hyAM._ds.ssid = response.ssid; // DNI hyAM.setPhoneNumber(); // catch phone links generated on the fly setInterval(function(){ hyAM.setPhoneNumber(); hyAM.sendSsid(); }, 2000); // set if ds is blank and api value is not blank for (i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { if (response[keys[i]]) { hyAM._ds[keys[i]] = response[keys[i]]; } } if (response.errors) { for (i = 0, len = response.errors.length; i < len; i++) { hyAM.reportError({ error_type: response.errors[i].error_type, error_details: response.errors[i].error_details }); } } if (typeof(cb) == "function") cb(response); }) .catch(function(error){ hyAM.log('API error:', error); }); }, logVisit: function(){ var visitTimer = setInterval(function() { hyAM.log("Logging extension data:", hyAM._ds); // only send when tags are translated if (hyAM._ds.hybeacon_source_name) { if (typeof(hyBot) == "object") { hyAM._ds.Warning.push('Both hyBeacon and GTM are present. Please remove the '+ 'hyBeacon master script'); } if (hyAM._ds.in_url_param_src) { hyAM._ds.Warning.push("You are using legacy hyBeacon parameter src. This will be deprecated soon." + " Please substitute standard UTM parameters. You can generate these on hyBeacon > Link Generator."); } var extData = { type: "FROM_PAGE", datalayer: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(hyAM._ds)) } // show cookies on assistant, don't send to backend try { extData.datalayer.ga_cookies = []; var pairs = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i=0; i -1 || f.src.indexOf("") > -1 || f.src.indexOf("") > -1)) { f.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ssid: hyAM._ds.ssid, from: "parent"}), '*'); } } }, setPhoneNumber: function () { var links = document.links; for(var i=0; i < links.length; i++) { var l = links[i]; if (l.href && l.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("tel:") > -1) { var phone = hyAM._ds.phone_number, originNumber = l.href.replace("tel:", ""), replaceNumber = l.href.replace(/[^0-9]/gm, ''); if (phone) { if (hyAM._ds.replace_option == "all" || hyAM._ds.replace_option == "specific" && hyAM._ds.replace_number == ("+1" + replaceNumber)) { l.href = "tel:" + (l.href.indexOf("+1") > -1 ? ("+1" + phone) : phone); // replace phone if the html contains phone var numCount = l.innerHTML ? l.innerHTML.replace(/[^0-9]/gm, '').length : 0; if (numCount > 4 && numCount < 15) { l.innerHTML = phone; } if (hyAM._ds.original_phone_numbers.indexOf(originNumber) == -1 && phone.replace(/[^0-9]/gm, '') != replaceNumber) { hyAM._ds.original_phone_numbers.push(originNumber); } } } } } }, getContainerId: function(){ var scripts = document.scripts; for(var i=0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var l = scripts[i]; if (!hyAM._ds.container_id && l.src && l.src.toLowerCase().indexOf("") > -1) { hyAM._ds.container_id = hyAM.getUrlParam("id", l.src); } } // get tracking id try { hyAM._ds.ga_id = ga.getAll()[0].get('trackingId'); } catch (ex) {} return hyAM._ds.container_id; }, // GTM template tag will pass the configuration like // hyAM.init({env: 'dev', 'debug': true, ...}); init: function(data){ this.config = data || {}; if (this.config.env == "production") { = ""; } else if (this.config.env == "stage") { = ""; } else if (this.config.env == "qa") { = ""; } else { = ""; } this.translateURL = "https://" + + "/api/v1/tags/translate?in_page_url=" + this.pageUrl(); this.visitsURL = "https://" + + "/api/v1/visits"; this.reportErrorURL = "https://" + + "/api/v1/tags/report_error"; this.publicApiKey = "huTpHRi9k4KXxDUq86QBn0avgeGtLCFZyzNVA5lI"; // public if (self!=top) { // iframe } else { this.log('GTM called hyAM.init with data:', data); // required "tags" fired in old GTM design this.setupInitialSourceTraffic(); this.setupCookieReplicator(); this.setupReferralUrl(); if (this.channelParam()) { this.writeCookie("hyly_channel", this.channelParam()); } if (this.srcParam()) { this.writeCookie("hyly_src", this.srcParam()); } if (this.utmSourceParam()) { this.writeCookie("hyly_utm_source", this.utmSourceParam()); } if (this.fbclidParam()) { this.writeCookie("hyly_fbclid", this.fbclidParam()); } if (this.utmHylyMethodParam()) { this.writeCookie("hyly_method", this.utmHylyMethodParam()); } if (this.utmHylyAssistParam()) { this.writeCookie("hyly_assist", this.utmHylyAssistParam()); } // local data storage // this._ds = { in_utm_source: this.utmSourceParam(), in_utm_medium: this.utmMediumParam(), in_utm_campaign: this.utmCampaignParam(), in_utm_term: this.utmTermParam(), in_utm_content: this.utmContentParam(), in_hyly_method: this.utmHylyMethodParam() || this.getCookie("hyly_method"), in_hyly_assist: this.utmHylyAssistParam() || this.getCookie("hyly_assist"), in_url_param_src: this.srcParam(), in_url_param_channel: this.channelParam(), in_gclid: this.gclidParam() || this.extractUtmzzCookie().gclid, in_fbclid: this.fbclidParam() || this.getCookie("hyly_fbclid"), in_page_url: this.pageUrl(), hybeacon_method_tag: this.extractSrcCookie().method, hybeacon_source_tag: this.extractSrcCookie().source, hybeacon_campaign_tag: this.extractSrcCookie().campaign, hybeacon_channel_tag: this.getCookie("hyly_channel"), hybeacon_assist_tag: this.getCookie("hyly_assist"), hybeacon_content_name: this.extractUtmzzCookie().content, hybeacon_term: this.extractUtmzzCookie().term, hybeacon_cookie_value: this.extractInitialTrafficSourceCookie().hyly_cookie_src, hybeacon_referrer_url: this.extractHylyutmzzCookie().External_Domain, hybeacon_referral: data.referrer, // for now we will get from getReferrerUrl API instead of document.referrer ssid: this.getCookie("hyly_ssid"), original_phone_numbers: [], // DNI: original phone numbers on the website hyly_cookie_src: this.extractInitialTrafficSourceCookie().hyly_cookie_src, // firstContact in extension Warning: [], // warning in extension Error: [], // error in extension ErrorWithType: [] } // maintain cross domain ssid if (navigator.userAgent && /bot|google|baidu|bing|msn|teoma|slurp|yandex|crawler|spider|robot|crawling/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // ignore bots } else { this.getSsid(); } // event tracking this.setupEventListener(); } } }